CMMA Education Sponsorship Grant Application K-12 schools in the CMMA region are eligible to apply for grant funding once per calendar year. Review our Grant Funding Guidelines (also on this web page) and then fill out the application below. Primary contact First Name Last Name Job title Email Phone Number School/organization Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Select option... Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut DC Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming DC Zip/Postal Code Amount of project funds requested from CMMA ($1,000 max per year): Amount of project funds committed/received from other sources: Funds requested for: (items listed in parenthesis are intended only as examples of possible costs) Equipment (durable items such as tools, calipers, welders) Supplies/materials (demonstration materials, classroom or project supplies) Curriculum materials (software, videos, manuals, DVDs) Student field trips/competitions (registrations fees, mileage, and transportation costs) Special project/other (explain below) Special project/other explanation Summary of project/request: Does this project involve partnership with other schools, groups, or colleges? If yes.... list partners below. Please indicate the date the requested funds are needed by: Format: M/d/yyyy For the purpose of tracking participation and dollars; how many students and/or adults are involved in the project? Male students Female students Adults Have you registered your school on the K12Navigator? You must register your school on the K12Navigator to be eligible for the grant funding. Yes No If you have not - please go to and register your school. The K12Navigator is an online directory to connect educators and businesses for high school student career exploration. By accepting grant funds from CMMA, you agree to provide photos and marketing materials that we will use in our social media and other promotions. All minors under the age of 18 must have a signed publicity consent. Yes No Please upload your school logo, club logo, photos/vidoes, or other marketing materials to be used in our promotions.