National Bank of Commerce team wins AMFA Golf Social 2023
National Bank of Commerce team wins AMFA Golf Social 2023
The 25th annual AMFA Golf Social was held on Monday, June 5 at Cloquet Country Club with 65 golfers on 17 teams in attendance.
Winners included:
1st Place Team - National Bank of Commerce, including Chad Curran, Dan Berg, Tony Ciardelli, and Jeff Engbrecht of Clearwater Composites

1st Place Team - National Bank of Commerce, including Chad Curran, Dan Berg, Tony Ciardelli, and Jeff Engbrecht of Clearwater Composites
5th Place Team - Adam Rosin of Midwest Rubber Service, Ryan Troumbly of UPM Blandin, Todd Cournoyer of UPM Blandin, and Dan Rahmen of USG
Last Place Team - Diane Rauschenfels, Diane Morin, Frank Gulbranson, Diane Vertin, and Karen Swanson.
Closest to the Pin: Josh Koschak of Iracore
Longest Drive Men: Isaac Mchehan of Altec
Longest Drive Women: Cindy Hauser of Midwest Rubber
Longest Putt: Jeff Engbercht of National Bank of Commerce
Shout to our sponsors!
The Premier sponsors included National Bank of Commerce, Productivity, Inc., and Marsh &McClennan Agency.
Shout to our sponsors!
The Premier sponsors included National Bank of Commerce, Productivity, Inc., and Marsh &McClennan Agency.
Hole sponsors included Range Steel Fabricators, Midwest Rubber, GPM, Altec, Hibbing Fabricators, National Bank of Commerce, Marsh & McLennan Agency, PackEdge Corporation, Productivity, Inc., PROduction Workforce Professionals, Zakobe LLC, and Wipfli, LLP.
Photos of the event can be seen here.
Thank you to all the golfers and sponsors for making it a successful day of raising funds for youth manufacturing programs in the area! Make plans to join us next year!
Photos of the event can be seen here.
Thank you to all the golfers and sponsors for making it a successful day of raising funds for youth manufacturing programs in the area! Make plans to join us next year!