Manufacturing Month in Minnesota 2024
Manufacturing Month in Minnesota 2024

To celebrate Manufacturing Month facilities throughout Minnesota will be opening their doors for tours in October.
Manufacturing is crucial to the strength of Minnesota’s economy. It provides about 12 percent of the state’s economy, pays wages 10 percent higher than the state average and contributes $25.7 billion in wages. Even though today’s manufacturing jobs are good paying, high tech careers, many still have a negative perception of manufacturing. To overcome this perception, manufacturers throughout the state are inviting the public to visit their modern facilities.
Tour attendees will experience a modern manufacturing world filled with computer-controlled machines and skilled workers working side by side. Gone are the days of dark, dingy assembly lines. Rather, you will find bright, clean, safe environments filled with activity. Attendees will see firsthand how STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills are put into practice every day in today’s manufacturing industry and gain an understanding of the variety of promising careers available.
Nearly every aspect of our daily lives is somehow impacted by manufacturing. It’s no wonder that U.S. manufacturing is growing. Over the past 20 years, U.S. manufactured goods exports have increased 2.5 times, while in Minnesota, manufacturing output has increased by more than 39 percent since 2010. To continue this growth, manufacturers need teams of skilled employees. The Minnesota Statewide Tour of Manufacturing exposes attendees to gratifying career opportunities in our industry.
Central Minnesota Manufacturers Association (CMMA) is offering a coordinated approach to manufacturing tours and manufacturing month in Central Minnesota. See more here.
Arrowhead Manufacturers and Fabricators Association (AMFA) is arranging a Student Tour of Manufacturing in the Duluth/Superior and Arrowhead region of Minnesota, in partnership with APEX, the Lake Superior Perkins Consortium, and DEED. For more information, contact Apex at (218)740-3667.
Tri-State Manufacturers Association (TSMA) is promoting the Alexandria Area Tour of Manufacturing that took place in early October. For more information, see
To register a tour or find other tours in your area, visit The Minnesota Statewide Tour of Manufacturing at
How can you participate in Manufacturing Month?
Manufacturers can offer in-person or virtual tours; reach out to local schools and offer presentations about manufacturing career pathways; sponsor school's VEX or FIRST Robotics programs; or set up scholarships with local colleges. See the links below for helpful resources:
Sponsorship Info
Host Toolkit
Tour Guide
Virtual Tour Guide
Minnesota Manufactured, led by Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence, collaborates with industry to promote careers in manufacturing in Minnesota. To learn more, visit