TSMA Manufacturing Career Dream Team: Summer Wrapup
TSMA Manufacturing Career Dream Team: Summer Wrapup

Our TSMA Dream Team wrapped up the 2023-24 school year in fine form. They were busy with many classroom presentations, connecting with students, and inspiring an amazing level of interest in manufacturing career opportunities. Our Dream Team members have such a special way of sharing their energy and inspiring students to consider the possibilities that manufacturing holds for them.
Dream Team member John Zipoy, a Mechanical Engineer at Brenton Engineering, presented to two careers classes with 45 ninth grade students in Brandon Evansville. Shortly after that, he presented to another four career exploration classes with 108 sixth graders at
Minnewaska. John reinforced the idea of keeping your mind open and thinking about all the possibilities that are available for future careers in manufacturing. He highlighted the growing demand for workers, schooling options, and the fulfilling rewards provided by manufacturing careers. Our kids have so many options to pick from!
Melany Wolf, a Mechanical Design Engineer from Massman Automation, took her information on the road to present to two classes of careers students and one industrial tech class at Osakis. Melany really shines when it comes to showing the many possibilities available to women in manufacturing.
Her examples of machines used in packaging, products used locally, and the excitement of creating and designing were so enticing to these 65 students. She really got them engaged!
After the school year wrapped up the behind-the-scenes work comes to the forefront to build on opportunities, make new contacts, find ways to grow our team, and begin scheduling events for next year.
In July Dream Team members Sam Ewald, Design Engineer at Massman Automation, and Jason Crannell, Manufacturing Engineer at ITW Heartland, participated in the TSMA Golf Social at Geneva Golf Club. It was a perfect day of sunshine and golf, with all proceeds benefiting TSMA’s youth manufacturing programs in the region.
Here are a few things accomplished over the summer months:
- Compiled Dream Team metrics for 2023-24 school year, including schools visited and what was covered in classroom presentations.
- Collaborated with Tim K. and Alexandria Technical and Community College (ATCC) staff to establish a partnership to grow our Dream Team by recruiting ATCC students.
- Researched more current data, posters, and graphs to update the Dream Team slideshow.
- Worked on creating a new Dream Team slideshow with suggested changes including fewer “wordy slides”, more visuals, more activities, and updated info and data.
- Updated contacts at area schools and looked through district websites to compile a list of new possible contacts for Dream Team school presentations.
- Pursued additional resources and opportunities, including careers fairs and job expos for next year.
- Created layout of 2024-2025 schedule with Dream Team events already planned.
- Developed plans for recruiting new Dream Team members in the upcoming year.
- Summarized final year-end metrics and details for TSMA Board of Directors presentation.
- Worked on ATCC proposed curriculum including state standards, outcomes, timeline, and possible logistics of earning credits.
- Met with Kevin Huwe, ATCC Machine Tool Technology Instructor, to finalize proposed Dream Team partnership. Modifications were then made to the initial plan. Students will no longer be able to earn credits, but Kevin has offered full access to work with his classes and recruit volunteers.
- Wrote a new curriculum outline and timeline to use with ATCC students.