TSMA Manufacturing Career Dream Team Update
TSMA Manufacturing Career Dream Team Update

Our TSMA Manufacturing Career Dream Team has continued making student connections, spotlighting the wide variety of career opportunities available in manufacturing and encouraging interest in the manufacturing world. Whether in a classroom, Career Fair, or social gathering, Dream Team members do a great job of bringing their passion and enthusiasm to the group, getting them both excited and engaged.
Corn Hole Tourney
This year’s warm Minnesota winter did not allow for the annual Ice Golf Tourney, but you couldn’t cancel the fun! Instead, TSMA hosted a Corn Hole Social at Lake Reno. Along with the bean bag fun, Dream Team member Jason Crannell (pictured to the right), a manufacturing engineer from ITW Heartland, shared about his Dream Team experiences and the variety of places he has presented. From Fergus Falls to Herman-Norcross, to Alexandria and more, he has had the opportunity to connect with many students, using his rich experience and expertise to promote the next generation of manufacturing talent.
Thank you so much, Brenton Orion! At the winter TSMA Corn Hole Social, Brenton Orion spoke about presenting a check to the TSMA Dream Team for $5000 earlier. Proceeds from last year’s employee Golf Social were used to generate these dollars. This generous donation will be used to continue funding educational opportunities for the Dream Team to reach out and connect with students and promote youth interest in manufacturing.
Girls, Girls, Girls!
As this year has progressed, we continue our focus on reaching a wide audience of students, especially at the 6th through 10th grade levels, to encourage an interest and understanding of the rich variety of opportunities available in the manufacturing industry. It’s exciting to know that our Dream Team has presented to many students in different communities. In the classroom setting alone, 54% of these students are female! The engaging questions and involvement has been so exciting. From our presentations and break-out sessions, it appears that we have a rich potential for many new members of manufacturing-based careers, a growing number of whom are girls!
Caption: Dream Team member John Zipoy, Mechanical Engineer from Brenton Engineering, presents to a group of 6th grade students in Alexandria.