TSMA's President's Letter - Spring 2024
TSMA's President's Letter - Spring 2024

Greetings to TSMA members, associates, and friends!
Spring has sprung!!!!!
We are excited to announce the TSMA Trap Shooting Fundraiser on Thursday, May 9 at Long Lake Lodge near Brandon. Please register to attend. This will be a fun event and we encourage you to bring a child (age 12+) to the event. They’ll interact with the TSMA Dream Team to discover more about careers in manufacturing and learn about firearm safety.
It’s almost time for the 31st annual TSMA Golf Social on Wednesday, July 17 at Geneva Golf Club near Alexandria. Please register your team to golf, attend the dinner/awards, or become a sponsor! This is our biggest fundraiser, and we really need you to participate and help raise funds for manufacturing career awareness in the area. The event will include a "Use it, Don't Lose It" contest this year. Read more about it. It should be a blast as usual!
Due to the mild winter, our Ice Golf tournament was changed to a Corn Hole tournament on March 14. We had a great time at Lake Reno Bar & Grill near Glenwood. Check out the photos and corn hole winners.
Be sure to check out the update on our Manufacturing Career Dream Team.
The TSMA Executive Director Rachel Lolmasteymaugh attended an Evening at the Capital on March 19 to meet with legislators on manufacturing topics. She also attended a regional forum titled “Streamlining Minnesota’s Environmental Permitting Process: Essential for economic growth in MN” on April 2, 2024. Read more about the call to reform environmental permitting in Minnesota.
Please welcome new MMA staff members Jenny Theis, Event Coordinator, and Carolyn Petruga, Executive assistant. Please white label their email addresses to facilitate efficient communication: Jenny@MidwestManufacturers.com, and Carolyn@MidwestManufacturers.com.
If you are new to TSMA you are invited to register for the new member orientation on Tuesday, April 16 at 2:00 pm.
As a member of TSMA you can benefit from participating in MBiz Solutions. You can realize a cost savings to your operation by using the Employer Health Plans, the Employer Dental & Vision Plans, or PROduction Workforce Professionals . Contact Rachel with questions.
I would also like to encourage your registration and participation in all our upcoming events. We are here to help you succeed, but we need your help and your participation for us to continue to succeed!
See you at the Trap Shooting Fundraiser on May 9!
Best Regards,
Phil Johnson
TSMA President