CMMA CTE Jamboree!
CMMA CTE Jamboree at St. Michael Albertville School on November 17
CMMA is excited to host our third annual CTE Jamboree! The CTE (Career and Technical Education) Jamboree is intended to close the gap between education and industry. The event features an experienced lineup of speakers that are active in CTE in Minnesota. Following the presentations, join us for a tour of St. Michael Albertville CTE facilities.
The CTE Jamboree will focus on creating viable partnerships between education and manufacturing. More school-centric than most CMMA meetings, attendees will learn about best practices in promoting manufacturing careers in a K12 setting, learn how best to forge relationships between industry and education, learn about grant funded opportunities, and more.
School board members, superintendents, principals, counselors and CTE teachers are invited to attend. Manufacturers are invited to attend. CMMA recommends that you take a "team approach" - educators and manufacturers from the same community are encouraged to hear the information together. Is YOUR school/community ready to invest in the CTE focus that is taking place in education right now? The format will allow local manufacturers and educators to interact and envision programs and partnerships.
As is CMMA's policy for general meetings and tours, all K12 school representatives are invited to attend at no cost; registration is required.
2022 Speaker lineup
-CMMA Welcome
Ann Marie Foucault, Superintendent of Saint Michael Albertville
-STMA Welcome
Tim Zipoy (CMJTS) and Amy Johnson (Ottertail County)
- K12 Navigator
Luke Greiner, MN Dept of Employment & Economic Development (DEED)
-Labor Market Information
Mark Lee & Shaun Karson, Wright Technical Center
-CTE and CEO programs
AVA is a volumetric off-site building manufacturer that creates entire buildings in a production manufacturing environment. AVA is focused on multi-family living, senior living, and the hospitality development sectors. The company designs, engineers, and manufactures industry-leading full volumetric modular units for clients in a 180,000 SF state-of-the-art facility in Albertville, newly built in 2022.
Utilizing a hybrid construction approach, the AVA team uses a combination of modular, panelized, SIPs, and site-built construction methods to produce innovative designs. As a result, our projects are beautiful, energy-efficient, and well-built in a time-sensitive process that exceeds the high expectations of today's demanding commercial stakeholders.

Date and Time
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
7:30 AM - 11:00 AM CST
7:15 Registration
7:30 Breakfast and Networking
8:00 Program
9:30-11:30 Tour: Saint Michael Albertville CTE & Advanced Volumetric Alliance in Albertville
Parking Instructions, STMA School: Park by Door C (south side of the building). Use the sidewalk to enter through Door A, where you'll register* in the main office.
*All attendees are required to bring a government-issued ID (driver's license, passport, etc.) and sign in through STMA's visitor registration system.
$20/member* Thank you to our meeting sponsor: Advanced Volumetric Alliance
K12 school representatives are invited to attend at no cost; registration is required.
Includes full breakfast. CMMA requests remittance for all reservations not canceled prior to the meeting.
*If a company is a CMMA member, ALL employees are eligible to attend at the member rate. Special needs? Call 800-654-5773 or email.
Invite A Guest! CMMA members are encouraged to bring a potential member from another company as a one time FREE guest! Contact Alisa to take advantage of this opportunity.
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