CMMA CTE Jamboree!

CMMA CTE Jamboree at Saint Cloud Technical and Community College on November 16
CMMA is excited to host our fourth annual CTE Jamboree! The CTE (Career and Technical Education) Jamboree is intended to close the gap between education and industry. The event features an experienced lineup of speakers that are active in CTE in Minnesota. Following the presentations, join us for a tour of St. Cloud Technical and Community College's new Advanced Manufacturing Center.
7:15 am Registration 7:30 am Breakfast and Networking
8:00 am CMMA Welcome and K12 Navigator Overview (Les Engel, CMMA President, Pat Walsh, Superintendent of BBE, and Tim Zipoy, Business Service Coordinator at CMJTS)
8:10 am SCTCC Welcome and Importance of VEX Robotics (Lori Kloos, SCTCC President and Dean of Skilled Trades & Industry, and Aaron Barker, SCTCC Instructor)
8:30 am Labor Market Information and the Importance of CTE (Luke Greiner, DEED Labor Market Analyst)
8:50 am CTE Featured School: Sauk Rapids-Rice High School (Sandy Logrono, Principal and Jake Masters, Industrial Technical Education Teacher)
9:15 am Minnesota CTE Grant Opportunities (Alison Orgaard, CTE Manager, and Pat Walsh, Consultant, at Resource Training and Solutions)
9:30 am Wrap Up and Breakout into tour groups
9:45-10:45 am Tour expanded SCTCC Advanced Manufacturing Center (led by Steve Nusbaum, SCTCC Area Manufacturing Project Manager)
TOUR: St. Cloud Technical and Community College - New Expansion (Advanced Manufacturing Center)
The Advanced Manufacturing Center was funded by a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) and additional dollars from SCTCC. Groundbreaking on the project was held in October 2022.
The Advanced Manufacturing Training Lab at SCTCC expands and renovates current space, installs state-of-the-art equipment, and creates a learning environment for students that will mirror their experience while working in industry. The programs that will benefit from the lab include: CNC and Advanced Machining; Computer-Aided Design Manufacturing; Computer-Aided Mechanical Design; Energy & Electronics; and Welding/Fabrication.
In addition to improved facilities for SCTCC programs, the lab expands training opportunities for those currently in the workforce, which supports the creation and retention of high-quality, in-demand jobs throughout the St. Cloud region, particularly for unemployed and underemployed individuals.

Date and Time
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
7:15 AM - 10:45 AM CST
7:15 am Registration
7:30 am Breakfast and Networking8:00 am CMMA Welcome/K12 Navigator Overview
8:10 am SCTTC Welcome/Importance of VEX Robotics
8:30 am Labor Market Information/Importance of CTE
8:50 am CTE Featured School: Sauk Rapids-Rice High School
9:15 am Minnesota CTE Grant Opportunities
9:30 am Wrap Up and Breakout into tour groups
9:45-10:45 am Tour the expanded SCTCC Advanced Manufacturing Center
St. Cloud Technical and Community College
Attendees can park in lot A and enter Door 5 to the North Commons Cafeteria.
$20/member* Thank you to our meeting sponsor: St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
Free: K12 school representatives are invited to attend at no cost; registration is required.
Includes light breakfast. CMMA requests remittance for all reservations not canceled prior to the meeting.
*If a company is a CMMA member, ALL employees are eligible to attend at the member rate. Special needs? Call 800-654-5773 or email.
Invite A Guest! CMMA members are encouraged to bring a potential member from another company as a one time FREE guest! Contact Alisa to take advantage of this opportunity.
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