Marketing for Manufacturers
Webinar Series: Marketing for Manufacturers
11:00 am on the 3rd Wednesday of the month
Session 29: The Best Story Wins
January 31 at 11:00 am
The best story wins the sale. Does your story set you apart? Do you communicate your value and differentiators effectively?Learn how to define the value your company provides to your best customers, create a compelling sales narrative, and walk away ready to differentiate yourself from competitors and drive growth that moves your business forward.

Seth Johnson | Consultant @ Dayta: Seth is a seasoned consultant and sales & marketing integrator who excels at establishing competitive differentiation and leveraging it to craft winning stories and effective custom marketing plans.

Erin Perry | Chief Strategy Officer @ Dayta: Erin has a keen eye for innovation and is responsible for ensuring that Dayta’s product offerings stay ahead of its peers, developing technical and tactical solutions in advance of major shifts in the martech landscape.
DAYTA Marketing
Dayta is comprised of some of the smartest, hardest-working, creative and generally kick-a** marketing professionals around. When you partner with us, you’ll get to know these dedicated folks as members of your Pod, the team of experts assigned to defend and grow your brand with gusto.
Among the Dayta workforce, you’ll find the likes of published authors, unicyclists, former TV personalities, keen bakers and former bank executives, each with their own expertise in marketing sales, analytics, project management, content creation or all of the above!

Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Marketing Series @ 11 am on 3rd Wednesday of the month
Webinar login will be provided to those who register.
FREE to attend
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