You're Only A Leader If Others Follow (Two Sessions - Sept 9 and Sept 23 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

SESSION 1: The Needs of Followers 10 a.m.-noon, Monday, Sept. 9
• Identify the role leaders play in employee engagement and organizational success
• Learn three keys to becoming a more effective leader
• Explore the crucial needs of followers: trust, compassion, stability and hope
SESSION 2: Lead With Your Strengths 10 a.m.-noon, Monday, Sept. 23
• Discover your top strengths using the CliftonStrengths assessment.
• Recognize the impact of talents and strengths in leadership
• Explore your unique talents and strengths as a leader
• Develop strategies for leveraging strengths and managing challenges

Date and Time
Monday Sep 9, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
SESSION 1: The Needs of Followers - 10 a.m.-noon, Monday, Sept. 9
SESSION 2: Lead With Your Strengths - 10 a.m.-noon, Monday, Sept. 23
$125 for both sessions
Contact Information
Amy Hochgraber
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