Webinar Series Presenter Form

Thank you for volunteering to share a presentation in one of MMA's Webinar Series! Your presentation will be on ZOOM and be 30-40 minutes followed by Q&A. Your presentation must be educational in nature and should not be a promotion of your brand, company, products, or services. Our webinar series are typically held September - May. Once we receive this form we will contact you regarding scheduling.
Presenter's name
We would like your personal cell phone number in case of technical difficulty during the webinar.
Current association membership(s)
In which series would you like to be a presenter?
Is there a particular week or month that you would prefer?
Please share a short description of the presentation.
Please fill in the title and description if you have more than one presentation you would like to share.
Please share a short description of the presentation.
Please share a short biography (maximum of 100 words) that includes your full name, current position and employer, relevant personal history, academic program(s), and interest or expertise in the subject matter. Please note it may be edited for length and clarity.
Please upload a head and shoulders photo of the presenter.
Please upload your company logo in .jpg or .png format.