Streamlining Environmental Permitting in MN
Streamlining Environmental Permitting in MN

Rachel Lolmasteymaugh, MMA Executive Director, attended a regional forum title “Streamlining Minnesota’s Environmental Permitting Process: Essential for economic growth in MN” on April 2, 2024.
Minnesota’s environmental permitting process has long-been the topic of concern among business leaders, with several notable economic development projects having stalled out or left the state due to reported permitting challenges. The Minnesota Chamber Foundation, the nonpartisan research arm of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, recently released a report providing recommendations to increase certainty throughout Minnesota’s permitting system and provide actionable strategies to improve transparency and timeliness without lowering standards.
This six-month analysis was completed in conjunction with consulting partners Barr Engineering, the Policy Navigation Group and Squire Patton Boggs. The research examined Minnesota’s air, water and wetland permitting process, along with environmental review. In addition to the analysis around timeliness and certainty, the study compared Minnesota to neighboring and peer states, reveals the economic impact of delays, and uncovers the challenges impacting transparency. The report also identifies clear and actionable strategies to streamline permitting for new business investments.
At the forum Lolmasteymaugh learned facts and data uncovered in the report, as well as the Minnesota Chamber Foundation’s recommendations to shape an environmental permitting process that can both protect the state’s natural resources and produce timely and reliable outcomes for businesses.
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) said “Ultimately, permitting reform effects every part of the American supply chain - from modernizing energy projects to building new manufacturing facilities.”
This article in the Twin Cities Business magazine calls on the state government to fast track environmental reviews.