TSMA President's Letter - Fall 2024
TSMA President's Letter - Fall 2024

Greetings TSMA members!
Fall has arrived, and with it comes a chance to appreciate the hard work and dedication of our manufacturing community!!
Happy manufacturing month to our valuable manufacturers!
Throughout October, manufacturing facilities across Minnesota are celebrating Manufacturing Month and opening their doors for the Statewide Tour of Manufacturing. These tours are especially valuable for students and educators. By fostering connections between schools and manufacturers, we can shed light on the exciting career pathways available in this vital field. I encourage all our members to get involved! Consider reaching out to local schools to offer presentations, sponsor VEX Robotics programs, or even establish scholarship programs with local colleges. Every effort counts in inspiring the next generation of manufacturing leaders.
We have an exciting TSMA meeting next Tuesday, October 8 at 11:30 am. Brenna Johansen, Industry Relations Coordinator at the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce, will speak on the Good Jobs Challenge at Outstate Brewing Company. Following the meal and presentation we will tour SCR Solutions in Fergus Falls! Register now!
We also have a fun meeting at Spectrum Aeromed in Fargo on November 19! This is a joint meeting with the Red River Manufacturers and Engineers Association. The speaker is Jeff Edberg, the VP of Operations at Spectrum. I would advise you to register right away because it will fill up fast!
You won’t want to miss the TSMA Holiday Social on December 3 at Backroads Steakhouse in Evansville. The committee has been working hard to make this a jolly fundraising event! Bring your spouse, a date, or colleague and enjoy an evening out. Come ready to play holiday games and you may go home with a prize!
Did you know the leading carrier for each state (Blue Cross) is proposing over a 15% average rate increase in 2025? You may be affected by this and remember that you have options! Join us to learn more about our program with lower costs and more employer/employee control at the webinar on October 25. You only need to have two or more employees to take part in Employer Health Plans. Register today.
The TSMA Manufacturing Career Dream Team will be active again in the 2024-25 school year. Check out the report from coordinator Therese Serum.
TSMA is seeking nominees for the Board of Directors! Contact TSMA Exec Director Lynda to nominate yourself or someone else by October 11.
We are very excited to welcome a new member to TSMA: Gavnat and Associates. See more details in the New Member section of the newsletter. All new members are invited to register and attend the new member orientation online on November 19.
As we look ahead to the fall and winter TSMA is looking for speakers, manufacturer tours, and sponsors for upcoming meetings. Please contact Carolyn with your ideas and information.
I would also like to encourage your registration and participation in all our upcoming events. We are here to help you succeed, but we need your help and your participation for us to continue to succeed!
Together, let's celebrate the power and potential of manufacturing! See you at the meeting on October 8th.
Phil Johnson
TSMA President