TSMA President's Letter - Summer 2024
TSMA President's Letter - Summer 2024

Greetings to TSMA members, associates, and friends!
I hope you are all making the most of the remaining days of summer!!!!!
We are excited to announce the September TSMA meeting at KLN Corporate headquarters in Perham. Please register to attend. This will be a fun event allowing us insight into the world of candy and snack manufacturing. Attendance is limited to only 30 people and it’s filling up fast so get registered right away!
We had great success at the 31st annual TSMA Golf Social on Wednesday, July 17 at Geneva Golf Club near Alexandria. The event netted $13,000 that will be used in support of the TSMA Manufacturing Career Dream team and other youth manufacturing programs! See all the results and photos here.
Please help me welcome the new Executive Director Lynda Bailey. Lynda recently moved to Minnesota from California and brings with her substantial experience directing a non-profit organization with her. Her first day will be September 3. Massive shoutout to Sandy Kashmark for stepping in as Interim Exec Director while we filled the position left by Rachel Lolmasteymaugh. Thank you so much for all you did to keep TSMA running!
As published on a public website leading health plan carriers are proposing over 15 percent increases on some of their plans in 2025. You may be affected by this and remember that you have options! Join us for a brief webinar on Friday, September 6 at 9:00 am covering cost-saving strategies for your health plans. Register today.
FYI: The future of TSMA is in your hands. We need more involvement from all our members to continue having an impact on the future of manufacturing in our area. We will have openings on the Board of Directors (BOD) in 2025. This is a great opportunity to get involved, expand your network, have a voice in the future of TSMA and manufacturing, steer foundation funds to workforce development efforts, and have numerous exclusive networking opportunities. I am calling for nominations for the BOD by October 1. Please submit your nominations or self-nomination to Lynda.
The TSMA program committee also needs your help!! We are looking for speakers, venues, manufacturer tours, and sponsors for our meetings October through next May. Please contact Carolyn with your ideas.
October is manufacturing month! Huge shout out to all our manufacturing members! Your contribution continues to make this a great region, state, and nation! It’s not always easy, but there’s a reason we have chosen this industry and I am personally proud of being a manufacturer.
If you are new to TSMA you are invited to register for the new member orientation on Tuesday, November 19 at 2:00 pm.
I would also like to encourage your registration and participation in all our upcoming events. We are here to help you succeed, but we need your help and your participation for us to continue to succeed!
See you at the September TSMA meeting in Perham!
Best Regards,
Phil Johnson
TSMA President