Events Calendar
AMFA March Meeting - Tour of L&M Radiator, Inc.
AMFA Luncheon meeting and tour on March 5, 2025 at L&M Radiator in Hibbing, MN
TSMA March Meeting - Brunswick New York Mills Operation
TSMA March Meeting and Tour at Brunswick New York Mills Operation. Lunch, networking, meeting and guest speaker starting at 11:30 a.m., followed by a tour of Brunswick New York Mills Operation Cost is $25/member, $35/non-member.
Manufacturing Industry Webinar Series - Cyber Risk in Manufacturing
Invest one hour to learn more about the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry series takes place on the second Wednesday of each month (except for June, July and August). Topics for the webinars include safety, laws, regulations, policy, and much more!
Marketing for Manufacturers - How to Hold a Successful Manufacturing Tour
Invest one hour to learn more about hosting a successful manufacturing tour for Manufacturing Month in October!
Workforce Development Webinar: How to Create a Solid Fair Chance Process - The Do's and Don'ts and Best Practices
Invest one hour to learn more about the manufacturing industry. The workforce development series takes place on the last Wednesday of each month (except for June, July and August). Topics for the webinars include safety, laws, regulations, policy, and much more!
CMMA March Meeting - Tour of SCR
Monthly CMMA breakfast meeting and tour on Marcy 27, 2025 at SCR, Inc.
Manufacturing Industry Webinar Series - Succession Planning 101 - How to Value a Company
Invest one hour to learn more about the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry series takes place on the second Wednesday of each month (except for June, July and August). Topics for the webinars include safety, laws, regulations, policy, and much more!
Marketing for Manufacturers - How to Leverage Social Media to Market Your Business
Invest one hour to learn more about leveraging social media to market your business. Join us on Wednesday, April 16th at 11:00 a.m. for our Marketing in Manufacturing webinar series via Zoom.
CMMA April Meeting - Tour of Starrett Tru-Stone Technologies
Monthly CMMA breakfast meeting and tour on April 24, 2025 at Starrett Tru-Stone Technologies.
Workforce Development Webinar: Registered Apprenticeship as a Strategy for Recruiting and Retention
Invest one hour to learn more about the manufacturing industry. The workforce development series takes place on the last Wednesday of each month (except for June, July and August). Topics for the webinars include safety, laws, regulations, policy, and much more!