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New products

AMFA Tour of Manufacturing Map Sponsorship

We are excited to offer an exclusive opportunity for your business to become a Tour of Manufacturing Host or Event Supporter, with the added benefit of participating in the inaugural Manufacturing Map. As part of this unique marketing sponsorship, all proceeds will directly benefit the AMFA Educational Trust, supporting educational initiatives in manufacturing. DISCOUNT ON MULTIPLE SPACES - 25% OFF 2ND POSITION!!
From $150.00

Bonus full page in virtual magazine

Upgrade your Central Minnesota Tour of Manufacturing sponsorship package by adding a bonus page!

Premium ad position in virtual magazine

Upgrade your Central Minnesota Tour of Manufacturing sponsorship packages by choosing a premium ad position.

Bronze Fundraising Event Sponsorship Package

Choose AMFA, CMMA, or TSMA
From $500.00

Silver Fundraising Event Sponsorship Package

Choose AMFA, CMMA, or TSMA.
From $1,000.00

Gold Fundraising Event Sponsorship

Choose AMFA, CMMA, or TSMA
From $1,500.00

Platinum Fundraising Event Sponsorship Package

Choose AMFA, CMMA, or TSMA
From $2,500.00

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