Shopping cart (0) You have no items in your shopping cart. Home page New products Search My account Top / Fundraising Event Sponsorships / Platinum Fundraising Event Sponsorship Package Platinum Fundraising Event Sponsorship Package Choose AMFA, CMMA, or TSMA Package includes: Your logo displayed at the event entrance, on event materials (flyers, banners), and on the official event website Exclusive banner display at main or key activity area (e.g. registration, competitive zone, etc.) Product placement or sampling - display product, distribute branded merchandise Social media mentions before and after event Speaking opportunity at the opening or closing of the event 10 VIP tickets for experience at event. May include lounge, front-row seating, and complimentary food and drink. AMFA Platinum Fundraising Event Sponsorship $2,500.00 Qty: CMMA Platinum Fundraising Event Sponsorship $2,500.00 Qty: TSMA Platinum Fundraising Event Sponsorship $2,500.00 Qty: